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fruit and native plants

June to August -Winter planting

See the blog at What time of year is best...?

Winter planting can suit many tree types especially deciduous trees like Oaks. We specialise in Oaks,redwoods, macrocarpas, and cryptomerias, all flexible timber-producing species. Alders can go in now too but don't expect a blaze of colour: they will look like golden sticks till spring. Oaks will still have some leaves but can be transplanted best now. Some tender natives and subtropicals will dislike cold and frost.

Forestry Trees Wholesale

We specialise in organically grown quality exotic timber and shelter trees, grown here in our West Coast nursery. We supply healthy strong trees suitable for timber production. Minimum wholesale orders apply. (20 trees minimum)
All trees will be of a plantable grade, usually 20cm to 30cm. We aim to send you a strong tree with well grown roots, that will survive the rigours of planting on your farm or woodlot.

Timber Trees for the South and North Islands:

Catalogue Update

Order your oaks now to be sure of supply as we only lift limited numbers in June.
Lawson cypress, Macrocarpas, and Cryptomeria japonica are now available for 2024 planting. Orders are being taken now for Redwoods, for delivery June 2025 onwards. We still have some Italian alders left.

We are open for wholesale tree orders and deliveries. Please feel free to email your enquiries to dialatree email info

Phone us on 03 7556641


Order now for delivery 2025. Organic outdoor hardened Redwood seedlings. Sequoia sempervirens. Professional seed source. Second year outdoor grown Sequoia trees are selected for quality, having survived wind, frosts, hail and drought.These are fast growing timber trees with world renowned quality red cedar-like, stable timber. Can be milled in 25 to 50 years. Fussy about site and likes moisture and mist. Fire resistant. Emerging in NZ as a new favourite for both timber production and carbon storage. We supply a plantable size, about 20cm + with strong tips and well developed roots, ready to take off in the ground. 1.5 year old stock in large Tinus rootrainers: $240.00 for 40 trees.
Secure your supply: One hectare planting lots of 400 trees at $2200.00 ($5.50 each) plus delivery at 75 cents per tree, or to collect from our nursery.

Redwood Joinery

Cryptomeria japonica, "Sugi", Japanese Cedar.

1.5 to 2 year seedlings. Fast growing quality timber for moist sites. Good performing professional seed source. A good alternative to Pinus radiata, as they grow anywhere, grow fast, and are less likely to blow down due to their interlocking roots. Good for shelter belts, used as orchard shelter, or continuous harvest forestry. The timber is insect resistant, light and easily worked for joinery. It doesn't need treatment. Traditionally used in Japan for building and joinery.

About 20+cm in rootrainers. $180.00 for forty trees. See the tree blog for more about these sought-after timber and shelter trees.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - Lawson's Cypress (Port Orford Cedar)

Pictured below. Great scented tough light golden coloured wood, with qualities similar to cedar and redwood. The heartwood is very durable and the fresh scent deters insects. A hardy tree, good shelter, slow but steady growing and adaptable. Well known in rural NZ, old trees are prized for milling. It grows best in moist areas. Trees look similar to Leyland cypress. Due to its fifty year rotation and potentially longer lifespan, Lawson has potential as a long term carbon sink species like Redwood. 2 year old Planting Grade in Tinus rootrainers 20 to 30cm, at $180.00 per forty trees. See the tree blogs for more about Lawson cypress.

Cupressus macrocarpa - Macrocarpa

South Island selected seed source. We grow these by popular demand. A traditional local Cypress forestry tree species. These trees grow as fast as Radiata pines on a good well drained, warm site with feedling and attention. Macrocarpa timber is highly sought after, it is strong, light coloured, and doesn't need treatment. It has been described as a good substitute for Kauri timber. Everybody loves those macrocarpa bench tops. We are home milling 50cm wide 4 metre clear flitches from 28 year old macrocarpas. See the results of your labours in your own lifespan! Great coastal shelter trees. Planting grade 20 to 30cm in large rootrainers. $160.00 per forty trees. Select seed orchard provenance.

Quercus robur - Oak Trees

Oak trees, open grown, supplied in moist sawdust with good roots. Ready to plant. Organically grown in the Nelson mountains from South Island seed provenance. Valuable timber over fifty year rotation, long term carbon sink, or shelter trees, acorns feed pigs, leaves enrich and build soil. Frost hardy, tolerates windy and inland sites. Dislikes rocky soil or iron pan. Can grow big, better for a farm than a small garden. Best planted when dormant in winter. Wholesale supply Winter only - June to August 2024: planting grade oaks 40-60cm One Hectare Pack of 400, for $2000.00, plus freight $136. (4 bags.)

Italian alder - Alnus cordata

Fast growing nitrogen fixer. Produces hot burning firewood, charcoal, fodder, shelter, hardwood timber, soil improver. Agroforestry wonder tree. Winter dormant, letting light into pastures and forests. Recommended as a companion tree for Sequoia sempervirens, we are growing a whole lot this year. Fast early growth, here they are at 6 months old and rearing to go. $80.00 for 20.


Forestry Trees, Freight per box: 20 to 40 Tinus rootrainer trees wholesale;
or 80 Cryptomerias in Hillson rootrainers;
or up to 100 oak trees in bag (winter): $34.00. Includes Rural Delivery. Offshore islands extra.

Pre Ordering Your Trees

Tree nurseries can run out of trees due to a burst in popularity. Often it is best to pre-book your trees so you can be sure they are there when you are ready to plant them. We let you know when the trees are ready to collect or deliver to you, strong and ready to plant. Your trees will have lived and survived through months of wild Westland weather - hailstorms, and insects: tough and ready to grow. So if your preferred trees are out of stock, consider pre-ordering them a few months ahead.

email the tree man

Check out our catalogue for useful and interesting trees like Kahikatea, the native White Pine; and the tasty Red Guavas.

Phone us on 03 7556641
email the tree man

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