dial-a-tree nursery: Forestry Trees :: Redwoods, Cedars, Cypresses

Organic Mail Order Nursery

Plant trees and save the world!

Welcome to the organic online tree nursery. Dialatree Nursery supplies strong forestry seedlings, shelter and fruit plants. See the Plant Catalogue here:
Plant Catalogue
We are open for wholesale tree orders and deliveries. Please feel free to email your enquiries to dialatree email info

Forestry TreesForestry Trees

Forest BerriesForest Berries

Native ForestNative Forest

Phone us on 03 7556641
Ask us about online tree orders and deliveries of plants to your place. Choose your plants from your chair. Ask us to help with your choice of species.
Trees are shipped right away to your place by courier. No parking worries or traffic frustration.
Save fuel and rest easy while your healthy, vigorous plants arrive at your door. We ship your plants anywhere in New Zealand/Aotearoa. We give email support with planting tips too.

apple blossom
About us - Our Team

apple blossom
Ben writes regularly about trees on farms. Forestry trees, home timber milling, orchard planning, fruit trees and shrubs. Check out the tree blogs.

Tree Stuff Blog Archive: Stuff about trees and forestry

New Tree Stuff Blog: Lawsons cypress as a long term investment

New Tree Stuff Blog: Bush Milling a Lusitanica Tree

Tree Stuff Blog: Alders: Easy to Grow

Tree Stuff Blog: Peach Leaf Curl: The Answers!

Tree Stuff Blog: Planting Alders and Redwoods Together

Tree Stuff Blog: Redwood Trees - Monsters or superheroes??

Link to the book: "Growing Organic Trees"

apple blossom
Link to previously published stories about tree growing in Lifestyle Block magazine.

Click here for plant catalogue

Dialatree Online Tree Nursery - About Us

Dial-a-tree: growing and learning about trees, for thirty years, in extreme climate areas of the South Island. We mail order great plants from our organic nursery in the bush.
Ask for "The Treeman".
Ben Gaia, RD3 Hokitika NZ,
Phone us on 03 7556641

Why is this nursery different?
It is totally organic.
No chemical fertilisers or pesticides are used. We use no fungicides. A garlic solution is sometimes sprayed to deter caterpillars and psyllids. A lot of hand weeding and manual pest control (squishing) is done. Our soil is full of natural fungi called micorrhizae which assist mineral uptake by plants.
Our potting mix is a high quality compost base with added organic products including sheep dags and dolomite lime, for slow release nutrient supply. Wild birds like wekas and blackbirds sift through the plant area removing slugs and snails. Fantails and moreporks keep moths to a manageable level, encouraged to the nursery by the planting of native trees. So our main pest control workforce is made up of birds.
Dialatree nursery is organic and GE free, for healthy, robust plants that transplant and recover well in their new homes. We offer free planting advice for your trees to help them grow the best they can. We have thirty years experience in packing and couriering live trees alive and well, from Bluff to Northland.

Some recent testimonials from satisfied customers:

"Many thanks for a most excellent trade for these fine specimens ever so cleverly packaged and very promptly delivered ~ All thriving :)"
"Thank you for the wonderful, healthy plants, and the prompt delivery. "
"Excellent trade. Plants extremely well packaged. Very quick and efficient and would definitely trade again. Many thanks."

Treeman leaning on a pruned lusitanica tree
Ben Gaia, Nursery Manager, dialatree

Online since 1996. This is an organic website - no apps, no cookies, no google!

stop genetically engineered trees logo
weka working hard

Trees to Your Door

Nga Rakau ki tou Kuaha - Trees to your Door
Phone us on 03 7556641

tree nursery